Tuesday 5 November 2013

Section 1: Double page spread 2

1.     Large and small text
2.     Small and large images
3.     Different coloured backgrounds to cover different things
4.     Different coloured text
5.     A photo that was taken and an image of the internet
6.     Same font and style used in a big area

1.     Font all over the pages
2.     Image style e.g made by the same company
3.     Same text style to explain images
4.     Same text colours

5.     Same images used

1.     The sentence aligns with the side of the images box
2.     Text aligns to the left
3.     Blue background aligns with image and text
4.     Top of images align
5.     Top of text aligns
6.     Images and text are left aligned
7.     Top of text aligns
8.     Bottom of images align
9.  Text on the image aligns to the left
1. Images align to the left
1. Text aligns to the left next to the cameras
1. Text aligns to the left and on the top

1. Text in the bottom corner aligns to the left

1.     Text explaining the image
2.     Text explaining the image
3.     Text explaining the image
4.     Text explaining the image
5.     Text about the title
6.     Text about the image
7.     Text give information on the images
8.     Text about the next magazine issue

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