Tuesday 5 November 2013

Magazine Analysis B

Magazine Analysis - Section 2:
The subject/contents of my magazines is on technology and everything that is new from Apple and Android, these are good because they give good Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity throughout the magazines. The target audience for these sorts of magazines are mainly people interested in technology, but it can be for any ages and for both sex as well.

Cover 1:
The layout of this magazine is very good as it is very busy, which is good because it shows the reader that there is a lot to know and find out about the new technologies that are coming out, but it is an ordered busy, everything has a place on the cover, this is could because it shows the reader that it is a good magazine because everything is Aligned and put in that place for a reason. It also shows that the images used have relationships between the angles and that they have been placed there systematically and have been placed there by the Art Director of the magazine. In addition, there is very little White space on the cover of this magazine, this is not bad because everything is spaced out enough that there is no need for a lot of white space but only a little to show that it is not too busy or cluttered. There is also good Typography all over the magazine cover as the style of the text is the same all over and it makes it easier for the reader to see it all clearly and read all the information on the page without getting bored or losing interest quickly. Also the Hierarchy of this magazine is quite clear as you can see that it has been designed to make the reader read from left to right this is shown/accomplished by placing the text and images from the left to right as everything is left Aligned even text on the right which suggests that the designer of this magazine wanted the reader to read from left to right. The Photography of this particular magazine is mainly through digitally added images from websites or the internet, however there are some images that have been taken by the editor which have been taken outside, this means that they would of have to consider the different Contrast of light and colours so that the image turned out correct for the read to see without too much or too little light.

The Colour Scheme used, i think, is very warm and vibrant this is shown through the reds and yellows that the designer used. This is because the colours are not too powerful and in your face but actually have very good Contrast together. It also shows Headlines well and clear and this makes them clearly shown so that the reader knows what are the main headlines and what is most important on the magazine. The design has also used Hue on the cover, which is the red, they have used it a lot which suggests that the red could be the main colour for the magazine. This magazine only shows a little amount of Ornamentation as there are only a few bits of text that on in boxes with different coloured backgrounds and there are only a couple of stickers and labels which shows that this magazine focuses on the information rather than advertisment. The Institutional Information added onto this magazine is very little again as there is a barcode in the bottom right of the magazine which shows again the magazine is about the information inside. Furthermore, there is no Photo package as all the images are Aligned and organised on the page which makes it look very nice and presentable. Finally, the Feature Article Headline uses a kind of pun ‘Mobile Mashup’ which suggest a large amount of mobile phones being released around the same time. It also uses Alliteration Mobile Mashup” this helps to get the reader interested in the magazine as it gives it a little bit of humor not just all facts and hardcore reading information.

Cover 2:
The Layout of this magazine is very much different to the first as it is less busy but still gives the same sort of information and is less ordered and more placed in places to cover up White space but made to still look good and well laid out. So the White space on this magazine is more obvious as text and images are limited and Headlines are bigger and more clear. Also the Headers have more Kerning, this gives the cover more Contrast between fonts and the style of the cover itself. In addition, most things are still Aligned and laid out well for the read to easily see and understand. The Typography is also clear on this cover, more so than the the first, because there is less information more quick points to grab the readers attention and make them buy the magazine and read more. Also the main part of the cover, the middle is very Selected which shows that it stands out and could be the main point on the cover, this is shown clearly as it has its own background colour the only other on the cover which makes it stand out more. Also the Hierarchy of this magazine is the opposite to the first magazine as I believe that the prominent of this magazine is from the right to left, this is shown because of the main point that is in the middle but Aligns more to the left, this suggests that the read should then move on to the left where points from inside the magazine are. This was accomplished by the designer putting the rest of the information around the main point in the middle. The Photography on this cover is mainly digitally added with no photos that were actually taken by a person, it also mainly of technology. The Colour Scheme of this magazine cover is mainly white and blue which has very good Contrast as they make each other stand out and make the text and images stand out from them very well and it is not too powerful and gives the cover a more cool feel to the cover.

Furthermore, the graphic Ornamentation shows very little again as there are even less boxes with text or images in giving information and there are no stickers and labels anyway on the cover which shows that the magazine is based on the information inside and nothing else, the same as the first cover. The inclusion of Institutional Information is of only the  barcode in the bottom right corner, however there is a “Puff” as there is a drop shadow around an image and some text to make it stand out more, possibly, to show its importance. The Photo package of this cover is that there are little images but they are placed well to show neatness and that they have been placed strategically on the cover to make it look presentable. In addition the Copy package is very clear as the main Header is very clear in talking about “Mac Format” and the rest of the cover then focuses on that and different types of Apple products.  Finally, the Feature article headline does not use a “Pun” which suggests that it is a formal magazine and expects formal readers, however, the second Headline does include alliteration “Stay Safe” which shows that, although it doesn’t include a “Pun”, it does want a wide range of readers.

Double page spread 1:
The Layout of this Double page spread is clear and understanding and much like its cover busy but very ordered as well as everything is Aligned and spacesh with all the text clear to read and not too heavy. Also all the images have a relationship between the angles of different elements between all the images in that area which makes it look nice and organised. There are also parts of the text that are almost Highlighted as they are much bigger than the normal text but are giving more information on a point in that paragraph, this could have been bad and looked unprofessional but the editor has made it look very presentable and neat on the page, it also gives more emphasis on the Layout of the double page spread. It also gives some Contrast between the small and large text. The White space on this Double page spread it more than the cover however there is still very little but its not bad as the space is used up very well and it is organised well being very clear and easy to read. The Typography on this Double page spread has been Composed very well by placing things correctly without a tone of writing but including images as well, also it has been made so that it is easily read by anyone who buys this magazine. In addition, the Hierarchy of this double page spread is that the editor made it so that the read would read from left to right this was accomplished by the Alignment of the page and images used are aligned to the left. Also the main Header for this page is on the left so it make sense to start there.

The Photography of this double page spread is made up of images added in digitally as there are no images that have been taken by some this could have been because the page is about the technology that has come out and there is no need for any images that include people. However, the Contrast between the images works very well and it actually compliments the rest of the text. The Colour Scheme used on this double page spread is much like the cover apart from there is no yellow it is just mainly red and black which both work well together and help to emphasis the text. There is also Asymmetrical on this double page spread as the same text is used and the same style has been used even when emphasising a point in the middle of the text. There has been no graphic Ornamentation in this double page spread. The Photo package is very good as there are no clustered images on the page and they are of different sizes which helps to see what they are like and what is what. The Baseline of this double page spread is very good as all the words stay aligned to the left and at the top which makes it a lot neater and easier for the reader to see clearly where everything is.

Double page spread 2:
The Layout of this Double page spread is much different to the first one as it is a lot more busier than the cover and the other double page spread although it is very well ordered and controlled the way it has been laid out. Also the images have been placed very well giving enough room for them to be explained well. The Typography of this double page spread has been Composed well to show what exactly is in the magazine and it has been made to be easily readable and Coherent for the reader. This has been employed because it tells you what Apple is all about by just the design of the magazine. In addition, the Hierarchy of this double page spread is that the prominent is from left to right which is because of the Alignment of the page as the text and images are aligned to the left, also it follows the Header of the page which is on the left of the pages. The Photography of the pages is that all the images are digitally added, again, this is because of it being mainly about technology and some that isn’t out yet so the editors would be unable to get a real photo of the tech so it would be easier to get digital images.

Furthermore, the Colour Scheme of the double page spread follows the colour scheme of the cover with the white and blue, this is because of them Contrasting so well together and they are not over powering for the reader to see the text and image. It also helps to make the text stand out and grab the persons attention better if the text is easier to see. This sort of Colour scheme is best described as a cool and complementary colour scheme because they are also used as winter colours, nice calming colours. The graphic Ornamentation for this double page spread is shown through boxing text to show differences between it and that some texts are not together, also on the left images and text have been box to show some importance after the Headers. The inclusion of Institutional information on these pages is shown through a description of subscribing to Apples magazine collection which, in a way, is a website link as it tells you how do it and where to do it. In addition, the Photo package for this double page spread is that all the images are spaced out nicely with the main, biggest, image being the Dominant and the main point of the pages. Finally, the Baseline of the images and text is very good as all the text are Aligned at the top and down the sides to the left which shows that it is nicely presented and has been thought of not just done.

To conclude I believe that this two magazines are very different in many things such as; Layout, Ornamentation, Headlines, Colour Scheme and the Contrasting Background colours. However, all the elements of both magazines work extremely well together to both grab the reader's eye when reading and also giving good clear information about the up and coming technologies. I also believe that both these magazines have successfully created magazines for the audience that they set out to get, which was mainly tech people but also of any ages, this shows that the Editors of these magazines knew exactly what they were doing when they first started. In addition, the Alignment in both these magazines is very good and makes it a lot easy for the reader to see what to start reading and what they are reading about.

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