Tuesday 5 November 2013

Section 1: Double page spread 1

1.     Small and large text.
2.     Different coloured text in the same title.
3.     The same image used.
4.     ‘Bold’ being used in text to emphasis something.
5.     Highlighted text to show more importance.
6.     Extended text but larger to make the point more clear.

7.     Large and small images.

1.     Same font used all over
2.     Sam style of images used
3.     Same style used to get main points across

4.     The background colour all over the pages

1.     The two images align left and right to left of the first page
2.     The paragraph and the title align to the left
3.     The top of the two paragraphs align
4.     The top of the three paragraphs align
5.     The top of the paragraph and the image align and the side of another image aligns with the side of the text
6.     The top of the two images align

7.     The sentence of the right aligns to the left

1.     Text on generation of mobile phones
2.     Text on android
3.     Text explaining a point more
4.     Text about the image above
Text giving more information on a product

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