Wednesday 2 October 2013

Screen Shots of my progress making a camera manual

The image above shows me just starting to make my camera manual. Firstly I scanned in all the drawings from my sketch book and imported them to photoshop to then put them into my manual. The image also shows that I am already laying out the images for my manual. This images will be included from page 1 to page 8.

Once I laid out all my images need for the first few pages I started to add text to the pages. This image above shows the text I added to make my manual interesting. The information included is the shutter speed and aperture and how to change them both. I also added how to change the camera settings to manual so that you can change to what you like.

After I finished my first page, which includes 9 manual pages, I moved on to the second page, which includes 6 manual pages. These pages will include ISO, how to change the ISO, Macro and more but this page, in the image above, is still a working progress but I will be adding Exposure composition, Flash and White balance. 

The image above is the finished second lot of pages, which included exposure composition, flash and white balance. I am now able to print off my manual as it is now finished with everything included and checked.

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